About Eric Schumacher

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Eric does not remember a distinct "moment of conversion" but does recall being profoundly confronted with the truth of the gospel at a Campus Crusade for Christ Christmas Conference his freshman year of college. During his college years, he was introduced to God-centered theology, expositional preaching, and developed a strong desire to proclaim God's word for His glory and the good of His church. It was during these years that Eric dabbled with song writing and wrote his first hymn, "Our Sovereign God."

While studying at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Eric took a class in Hymnology. This class affected him by showing him the need for well-written, theological songs that serve the church by capturing their hearts and minds with the knowledge of God.

After seminary, Eric and his family returned to Iowa, where he now pastors Grand Avenue Baptist Church in Ames. He previously pastored churches in Keokuk and Cedar Rapids, and served as Director of Operations for 20schemes. Eric and his wife Jenny have four sons and a daughter. In his "spare time," he writes songs and is slowly attempting his first novel. You can follow him on his blog, Facebook, and Twitter.
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