You Are Worthy

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This song reminds us that when we draw near to God in worship it is really Him that is drawing near to us. He is the source of our love and praise; it is not something we can manufacture. As we recall his relentless pursuit of His children - even when they are lost and distant - we are moved to proclaim His worth alone. As the old hymn says, "all things are mine since I am his- How can I keep from singing?"


Verse 1:
You're calling me with whispers of grace,
You're drawing me into your embrace.

Verse 2:
Your mercy falls, it's bearing my name,
My Savior's blood has covered my shame.

And I can't keep from loving you,
No, I can't keep my soul from singing

You, you are worthy.
You, you are worthy,
Worthy of all praise.

Verse 3:
When silence comes, I'm lost in the dark,
You'll never stop pursuing my heart.

Hallelujah to the One
Who was and is to come.
By your blood you ransomed me
So I can't keep my soul from singing.

By Chris Olson, Macain Treat, & David L. Ward
© 2019 Hymnicity


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